To provide civilians, law enforcement officers and security professionals with a safe, reliable and effective non-lethal alternative to traditional firearms that will allow Byrna’s customers to protect and defend themselves, their families and their community without the need to resort to deadly force.


Byrna was created by an avid group of gun owners. Like many responsible gun owners, however, we didn’t know how quick we would be to pull the trigger when confronted with a potential threat. If we hesitated – would it be a fatal hesitation? And if we didn’t hesitate – would we be making a fatal mistake? We wanted a non-lethal option that we could add to our arsenal that was safe, effective, and reliable.

The problem was that there was nothing available on the market that could stop an assailant at distance and was easy to carry on a concealed basis. Most compact less-lethal weapons, including everything from stun guns and batons to pepper sprays and Tasers, are severely range limited. By the time the weapon is effective, the situation has escalated out of control. The .68-caliber projectile launchers that were available at the time were simply re-purposed paintball guns. As such they were large and bulky and had serious limitations because they were never designed for self-defense.

So, we decided to create a small handheld device that had the form factor of a gun, could fire multiple rounds, was accurate to 60 feet and could effectively and reliably disarm and disable an assailant. The result was the Byrna HD, which we launched in the summer of 2019. Since that time, Byrna has sold over 275,000 Byrna handheld launchers to ordinary citizens, private security professionals and law enforcement officers. The Company has since expanded into all things “personal self-defense” including less lethal rifles, body armor, bullet-proof backpacks, aerosol sprays, personal security alarms and, most recently, less-lethal 12-gauge rounds.

In these uncertain times, ordinary citizens are often forced to be their own First Responders. With Byrna’s personal self-defense weapons, you can always be “Prepared to Defend” yourself and your family. And most importantly, there are no fatal mistakes.


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